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Oral Surgery
in Winter Garden

If you’re dealing with a dental issue, there’s no need to wait in pain. Whether you require multiple dental implants or a simple extraction, oral surgery can correct issues and set your smile up for long-term success.


Oral Surgery

Soft Tissue Grafting

As a common symptom of periodontal disease, receding gums may cause insecurity, sensitivity, and even discomfort. We want you to feel comfortable in your smile, and soft tissue grafting is a great solution to re-establish your gum line. Not only will you be more confident, but it prevents further deterioration. Get back to a healthy, comfortable smile by booking your first consultation.

Oral Surgery

Guided Tissue Regeneration

To support your smile and eliminate the risk of tooth loss, guided tissue regeneration can prevent issues caused by periodontal disease. Used in tandem with bone grafting, this treatment will restore your jaw bone and treat issues from gum disease. It's important to get periodontal disease treated as it can cause bone resorption which can eventually lead to tooth loss. Don't wait to get treatment, we can help you restore your gums to their previous function with guided tissue regeneration.

Oral Surgery

Pocket Reduction Surgery

Advanced gum disease can lead to adverse symptoms including tooth loss. This sounds scary, but we are here to help! Halt the progression of advanced gum disease with pocket reduction surgery. This surgery removes bacteria between the gums and tooth root, removing the need for more complicated procedures down the line. If you are at risk due to advanced periodontal disease and want to save your teeth, pocket reduction surgery can restore your oral health and save your smile.

Oral Surgery

Esthetic Crown Lengthening

Insecurity about a gummy smile is not uncommon. If you are wanting to change the shape of your gums, improve gum tissue, or prepare for tooth restoration, crown lengthening does it all. It serves cosmetic purposes by eliminating excess gum tissue around the teeth. This will give you a balanced smile that will make you feel confident. It also works as a medical necessity, for example, crown lengthening is commonly used to prepare a damaged tooth for a dental crown. Learn more about our options by getting in touch with us.

Dental Implants

If you're faced with the need for a tooth extraction, have already lost a tooth, or are considering replacing an existing dental implant, remember that you have plenty of options. Dental implants do more than just fill in your smile - they also restore the strength of your bite and promote the overall health of your mouth. The best part? Dental implants are not only long-lasting and secure but can also slow, or even halt, bone loss by imitating the shape and function of your natural tooth roots. Want to learn more? Book a consultation today to discover if placing a new dental implant or replacing an existing one could be the key to restoring your confident smile.


Extractions are always our last option — saving your smile is our number one priority. However, a problematic tooth is sometimes more trouble than it's worth. Your doctor may recommend an extraction as the best way to get your oral health back on the right path. With gentle techniques, and local anesthesia or sedation, decaying teeth can be removed to alleviate your discomfort or to make room for dental implants, a bridge, or another type of tooth replacement.

Oral Surgery

Ridge Augmentation

After losing a tooth, you may experience jaw bone loss if left untreated. That's why you may hear your doctor recommend ridge augmentation after tooth loss, an extraction, or before getting dental implants. Ridge augmentation recreates the natural contour of the gums and jaw bone to restore its previous function and form. Not only that, but it avoids the need for extra surgery after an extraction. Ridge augmentation is a necessary procedure so that you can keep the natural function and look of your smile.

Oral Surgery

Bone Grafting

Waiting to replace a missing tooth can cause serious consequences. Soon after you lose a tooth, bone resorption begins, making it difficult to place dental implants properly. Bone grafting increases bone density so that you can restore your smile with dental implants. Having strong bone density is required for placing an implant as it needs to have a strong foundation for the restoration. Bone grafting is one of the first steps in widening your tooth replacement choices. Get in touch to learn more about how we can restore your smile.

Oral Surgery

Alveoloplasty / Tori Removal

Enhance your denture comfort and fit with our specialized alveoloplasty and tori removal procedures. Alveoloplasty reshapes the jawbone for a smooth, secure denture fit, while tori removal addresses benign bone growths that can interfere with denture placement. These treatments improve denture stability, comfort, and promote long-term oral health. Our dedicated team provides precise, gentle surgery and detailed aftercare to ensure a smooth recovery. Experience the difference in your denture comfort by scheduling a consultation today, and let us help you achieve a better, more comfortable smile.

Oral Surgery

Frenectomies & Tongue Tie Releases

If you have been struggling to move your tongue or lip freely, we have a solution. Frenectomies are an effective, painless procedure that trims unnecessary tissue in the mouth. This allows you to breathe, swallow, and speak without a problem. The procedure may sound scary, but we assure you that it's a simple procedure that releases the excessive tissue from lip or tongue ties in just a single visit. Frenectomies are often needed after or before orthodontic treatment to prevent muscle pull that can create a gap between your front teeth or can lead to recession if the muscle attachment is too close to the gum margin.

Oral Surgery

Abscess Treatment

We don't blame you for feeling anxious when a pocket of pus forms around your infected tooth root. This can cause not only stress but toothaches, poor breath, and even fevers. You don't have to deal with discomfort — let us solve the issue for you with an abscess treatment. An abscess treatment will clear out the pus and prepare your tooth before a root canal or extraction. This is the first step in your restorative journey to get your teeth back and thriving. Don't be afraid to get in touch if you are developing unwanted pus around your tooth.

Botox for TMJ & Gummy Smiles

We understand the discomfort and pain that Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) can cause, as well as the self-consciousness that comes with a gummy smile. That's why we're excited to offer Botox as a revolutionary treatment option for our patients suffering from these conditions. When used for TMJ, Botox works by relaxing the muscles around the jaw, which can significantly reduce jaw tension, headaches, and discomfort. For gummy smiles, Botox is injected into the upper lip area to limit the rise of the upper lip when smiling, creating a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing smile. Our experienced team administers these treatments with precision and care, ensuring a comfortable experience with effective results. Whether you're seeking relief from TMJ symptoms or want to enhance your smile's appearance, Botox could be the solution you've been looking for.

Oral Surgery

Sinus Lifts

At our practice, we offer sinus lift procedures to help patients with insufficient bone height in the upper jaw achieve their dream of a complete, healthy smile through dental implants. Our team uses advanced techniques to gently lift the sinus membrane and place bone grafting material, creating a sturdy foundation for implant placement. With our expertise in sinus lifts, we can open up the possibility of dental implants for patients who may have previously been told they were not candidates due to limited bone volume. If you're considering dental implants but have concerns about your bone structure, schedule a consultation with us to learn how a sinus lift could be the solution you've been looking for.

Oral Surgery

Oral Lesion Biopsies

If you've noticed a suspicious lump, bump, or patch in your mouth that isn't healing on its own, it's essential to have it evaluated by a professional. At our practice, we offer oral lesion biopsies to help diagnose and treat potentially harmful growths. Our periodontist will carefully examine the area of concern and, if necessary, remove a small tissue sample for laboratory analysis. This quick and relatively painless procedure can provide crucial information about the nature of the lesion, allowing us to create a targeted treatment plan. Whether it's a benign growth or something more serious, an oral lesion biopsy is the first step in taking control of your oral health. Don't wait – if you've noticed any unusual changes in your mouth, schedule a consultation with us today for peace of mind and expert care.

Oral Surgery

Oral Sedation or Nitrous Oxide

We understand that dental procedures can be a source of anxiety for many patients. That's why we offer oral sedation or nitrous oxide as a safe and effective way to help you relax during your appointment. With oral sedation, you'll take a prescribed sedative medication prior to your procedure, allowing you to enter a state of deep relaxation while remaining responsive to our team. This form of conscious sedation can help alleviate fear and discomfort, making your dental experience more pleasant and manageable. Our skilled periodontist is trained in administering oral sedation and will monitor you closely throughout your procedure to ensure your safety and comfort. If dental anxiety has been holding you back from getting the care you need, ask us about oral sedation during your consultation.

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